Upcoming Events
View details of SCL(S) Council 2016-2018
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Welcome to new SCL(S) Members
Nov 2016 to Mar 2017 |
1. |
Asya Jamaluddin |
2. |
Wendy Koh |
3. |
Shirley Sivakumaran |
4. |
Charlotte Louise Margarett Mears |
5. |
Tjen Wee Wong |
6. |
Nurfadilah Ismail |
7. |
Yiqian Benita Lee |
8. |
Sherina Low |
9. |
Quek Ting |
10. |
Lionel Chan |
11. |
Candy Agnes Sutedja |
12. |
Kelvin Chia |
13. |
David Bateson |
14. |
Kah Wee Teo |
15. |
Wee Chiang Woon |
16. |
Simon Lum |
17. |
Ben Olbourne |
18. |
Chor Leong Chia |
19. |
Chen Chen Lew |
20. |
Joshua Chai |
21. |
Joo Seng Tan |
22. |
Francis Wong |
23. |
Arthur Yap |
24. |
Hooi Ka Cheong |
25. |
Jeremie Witt |
26. |
Kirstin Nijburg |
27. |
Shaun Wong |
28. |
Sheik Umar Mohamed Bagushair |
29. |
Fong Yee Foon |
Post Event Updates

Equity in The Market Place: Reviewing The Use of Unconscionability to Restrain Calls on Performance Bonds
16 November 2016

Chairman's Message
Dear SCL(S) members,
The recent report by the Committee for the Future Economy confirmed what many of us in the construction law community have already experienced and hopefully embraced – change. The SCL(S) is not immune to change and our updated newsletter is a symbol to our own embrace of the inevitable. Starting with this inaugural edition of the new newsletter, we plan to provide members with more frequent but shorter updates on developments in construction law that impact our community and on SCL(S) events. Editorials such as this are also not exclusive to the SCL(S) Chair and other Council members will be encouraged to share their thoughts on the latest issues that affect our society.
In following through with the report by the Committee for the Future Economy, the 2017 Singapore
Budget outlined by the Finance Minister in February provided some relief to the construction sector
recognising immediate and lingering impacts of a challenging present in our industry. By bringing
forward infrastructure spending and further deferring the foreign worker levy increases in certain
sectors, our community will be afforded a pause in the change narrative. That pause will be brief.
We should not waste the opportunity in that pause by standing still. The late Mr Lee Kuan Yew (a
fellow lawyer although not necessarily a construction enthusiast) with his usual ability to chronicle
the future, challenged us to adapt, adjust and respond to new situations and to accept change as the
very essence of life. Whether we are a part of this Society as a lawyer, an engineer or otherwise, I
believe we need to grapple convincingly with those changes, to understand and then to realise the
changes that we have to make to keep ourselves ahead of the curve. I look forward to debating this
with you in the coming months at Society events.
Thank you.
Alex Wong Chairman, SCL (Singapore)
Important 2016 English Law Cases for the Construction Industry (Part One)
This month we examine the importance of well drafted interim payment clauses and applications, liquidated damages clauses in FIDIC contracts, the adjudication of settlement agreements and the use of experts.
Contributed by: Hogan Lovells

SCL 2016 Sixth Society of Construction Law International Biennial Conference (Brazil, 13-15 Sept 2016)
The Society of Construction Law (Brazil) held the SCL 6th International Law Conference in São Paulo Brazil from 13th to 15th September at the iconic Unique hotel. The decision for Brazil to hold the 6th International conference was decided by the committee of SCL (International) during the 5th International Conference in Malaysia in 2014.
Contributed by Anil Changaroth – Council Member, SCL Singapore; Managing Director, Changaroth Chambers LLC

Latest Post Event Updates
Annual Construction Law Update 2017
18 January 2017
This year’s Annual Construction Law Update was held on 18 January at Royal Palm. The seminar dealt with important recent developments in construction law. Those issues are of importance not only to Singapore lawyers, but also in many respects to lawyers who practise in other common law jurisdictions.
The seminar was chaired by a Council Member of the Society, Mr Lee Chau Ee of King and Wood Mallesons. Following his thought provoking introduction, Mr Lee introduced the two main speakers, Mr Edwin Lee Peng Khoon of Eldan Law LLP and Mr Ian de Vaz of Wong Partnership LLP.
Contributed by: Michael Christie SC - 6th Floor Chambers
