Upcoming Events
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SCL(S) Council 2022-2024
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Welcome to new SCL(S) Members

October 2022 to December 2022
1. |
Laura Chang |
2. |
Andy Yeo |
3. |
Adrian Dobbie-Holma |
4. |
Asanga Gunawansa |
Post Event Updates

SCL Singapore Annual General Meeting 2022
(4 August 2022)


WEBINAR: SCL Singapore - A 20 Year Journey and Beyond: Strategic Leadership Dialogue with SCL Singapore Past Chairs - Session 1
(4 August 2022)


WEBINAR: SCL Singapore - A 20 Year Journey and Beyond: Strategic Leadership Dialogue with SCL Singapore Past Chairs - Session 2
(4 August 2022)


WEBINAR: The Challenges and Pitfalls of Managing Documents in Large Construction Disputes
(21 July 2022)


WEBINAR: Financial Instruments in Construction Projects
(25 May 2022)


WEBINAR: Project Success or Failure – What Complexity Theory Can Tell Us About Risk in Construction
(20 April 2022)

Founding Chair’s Message - December 2022
Dear SCL(S) members,
It is with great pleasure that I pen this message for the final newsletter of what has been a momentous and thrilling 20th anniversary year for the Society. As founding chair, I have been greatly impressed by how far the Society has travelled. It commands a leadership position in strategic thinking and continuing education for matters relating to the construction industry in Singapore. This is all the more commendable given how the construction industry has grown over the past twenty years and how key a role Singapore plays in infrastructure development for the region.
August’s “20 Year Journey and Beyond: Strategic Leadership Dialogue with SCL Singapore Past Chairs” was a highlight of the year, involving as it did a taking stock of the first twenty years and discussion of what the future holds. In my view, an important trend is collaborative contracting, which goes hand in hand with dispute resolution mechanisms designed both to further the progress of the project and preserve working relations among parties. The Society can contribute to the growth and spread of this developing...
Justice Philip Jeyaretnam
Founding Chair, SCL (Singapore)

Renewal of Membership in the Society of Construction Law (Singapore) – 2023
Members are reminded that the current term of membership expires on 31 December 2022. You would already have received email reminders to renew your membership for 2023.
If you have not yet renewed your membership, to continue to enjoy the benefits as a member of SCL (Singapore), we would be most grateful to receive your online membership renewal no later than Friday, 30 December 2022.
The renewal fee payable is $150.00 nett.
Your login details are required to complete the renewal process.
If you have forgotten your login details, please email the SCL(S) Secretariat.
To renew online, please follow the simple steps below:
- Go to the “Members’ Login”.
- Enter your login details.
- You will then be prompted to edit your details. Check/update your details, starting from the first “Profile” tab till the last tab “Membership Renewal”.
Valuable Resources Available in the Members’ Area
Members are reminded that all presentation materials from our webinars as well as past seminars and conferences (for which copyright consent has been obtained) can be found on our website and are freely available to members upon login to the Members’ Area.
Just follow these 3 simple steps:

Contractual Incentives for Environmental Compliance in Construction Contracts
The construction industry is a contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of the project lifecycle. This is particularly so when ‘scope 3’ or indirect emissions across the value chain of a completed project are considered. As international pressure to cut emissions escalates, fuelled by shareholder and grassroots activism, several national and local government bodies are likely to adopt stricter environmental laws and standards. In turn, this will impact approvals processes, as well as funding and insurance requirements for new projects. Existing projects may also be impacted. Accordingly, project stakeholders at all stages of lifecycle and value chain should remain abreast of local environmental developments.
The construction community has heeded the general call to arms and offered contributions to promoting more environmental approaches...
Contributed by: Samantha Tan & Sarah-Jane Fick - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Latest Post Event Updates
SPECIAL REPORT: SCL (Singapore) 3rd "Focus on Asia Conference" 2022: Construction Post Covid – Getting Back to Business?
(28 October 2022)
This year marked the return of the annual SCL (Singapore) Conference in an ‘in-person’ format. This Conference took on added significance, as it not only represented the 3rd “Focus on Asia" Conference” since the inaugural event in 2015, but it also coincided with the 20th anniversary of SCL (Singapore).
The tagline of the Conference “Construction Post Covid – Getting Back to Business?” perhaps inevitably put the overriding focus onto the new landscape that COVID-19 has created for the industry as a whole. However, not content with the generic, our esteemed speakers were always looking to expand this horizon to incorporate and address other looming issues facing the industry.
From the ever-present and growing issue of sustainability, to the opportunities and challenges created by advancing technologies, our audience was treated to the generous sharing of expertise and insights of our speakers from start to finish.
It might just be me, but there seems to be something extra special about the return to in-person events after a 2-year hiatus in Singapore. While the ‘learning’ aspect of such events can be delivered effectively on a virtual platform, there really is no substitute to the personal connections and interactions that we can now enjoy again. The Conference this year truly encapsulated that spirit of personal connection, as guests travelled from far and wide to attend.
With that, I hope you enjoy our Special Report on the 3rd "Focus on Asia" Conference...
Contributed by: Chris Rudland – Chair, SCL (Singapore) Publications Committee