Honorary Treasurer's Message - August 2020
Dear SCL(S) members,
Time flies! The AGM of the Society is quickly upon us again. I am also coming to the end of my term as both the Treasurer and Co-Chair of the Professional Development Committee.
At the time of writing this message, the Professional Development Committee has held no less than 5 events this year despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. We migrated our usual seminars to web-based format as COVID-19 compels us to adopt new ways of working. Webinars may well remain the preferred format post-COVID. SCL(S) continues to be blessed with the generosity of eminent speakers sharing their knowledge through our platform. Upcoming events include Bond Calls and Interim Relief (3 September 2020) and The Circuit Break – Picking Up the Pieces (September 2020).
Moving on, June 2019 saw the announcement of the $1.36 billion fund set up by the Government to help construction companies hit by COVID-19 (“the Construction Support Package”). This includes co-sharing of prolongation costs for delays on public sector projects, advance payment to firms working on public sector projects until works are allowed to restart safely, short term costs of complying with precautionary measures to prevent a resurgence of cases, foreign worker levy rebates, just to name a few. We have included in this newsletter an article to cover the governmental support measures under the Construction Support Package.
Please continue to keep an eye on our events and articles in the coming months.
I end this message by looking forward to your continuing support as a new Council comes into office shortly.
Moon Kua
Treasurer, SCL (Singapore)