Secretary's Message
Dear SCL(S) members,
Welcome to the final edition of SCL(S) Newsletter for 2019!
I have been a member of SCL(S) since the first year it was established and lost track of the number of years that I’ve served on the Council. I therefore feel confident in saying that the question the SCL(S) office bearers ask themselves before committing to a new expense is, “Does that represent good value for our members?”
During the course of this year we’ve held eight seminars, two very well attended networking events as well as the Annual Construction Law Conference and the 10th run of our “Construction Law 101” workshop. Your membership has also provided you with the opportunity to register at discounted rates for numerous other seminars and events held by the twelve professional organisations that we have reciprocal arrangements with. Also, let’s not forget your access to the Member’s Only resources on the website… I suspect you can see where I’m going with this!
Membership renewal. SCL(S) needs your renewed support to continue delivering quality events and services. You can renew your membership here or subscribe to join here and then swiftly proceed to register for the first event of next year, the “ Annual Construction Law Update, 2020” whilst there are still places left!
In the meantime, the SCL(S) Council would like to thank you for the loyalty you have shown over the years to the Society.
Karen Fletcher
Honorary Secretary, SCL (Singapore)