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SCL (Singapore) Annual General Meeting 2022
The 2022 Annual General Meeting kicked off with current Chairman, Lee Chau Ee, reminding attendees of the requirement for the meeting to be held virtually in accordance with the current guidelines set out in the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act.
Chau Ee then took the meeting through the various items on the agenda with the following being some of the highlights.
The Society has a new Council team that was duly elected in accordance with the Constitution. We now have our first-ever Chairwoman, Moon Kua. Chau Ee offered his congratulations to Moon and her team.
Trevor Lam, the Honorary Treasurer, presented a brief overview of the financial position of the Society. The 2021/2022 financial year saw a net profit of S$15,155.27 which was a better result than last year and also better than the break-even position that was anticipated as at the start of the financial year.
This was a result of the return of the Society’s flagship event and one of the key revenue generators, the Annual Conference, prudent spending measures, stable membership revenues and profitable webinars.
Trevor thanked:
- the Secretariat team for the excellent support and advice provided in managing our costs and expenditure throughout the financial year;
- Chris Nunns and Rob Palmer for acting as Honorary Auditors for the 2021/2022 financial year; and
- Maximillian Benz and Tay Peng Cheng for agreeing to serve as Honorary Auditors for next financial year.
Kelvin Teo, the Honorary Secretary, reported that the Society has been successful in its efforts to retain membership despite the challenging times and that further to his written report in the Annual Report, membership numbers now stood at 303 with 45 new members joining between 1 January to 23 August 2022. He encouraged members to attend the upcoming hybrid Focus on Asia Conference and Annual Dinner to meet up in person with fellow members and industry colleagues.
Kelvin expressed his gratitude to members for their continued support, the Council for their service and diligence and the Secretariat for their continued support.
Chau Ee presented some highlights of the work of the Committees for the Council’s recent year, specifically:
- the Professional Development Committee for steadfastly pushing on with its busy and diverse events including hosting our first-ever hybrid format Annual Construction Law Conference in September 2021;
- the Social Media Engagement Committee for leading our digitalisation push specifically on LinkedIn, which has seen the Society have more than 800 followers and counting; and
- the Publications Committee for continuing to deliver its two-monthly newsletter.
In his concluding remarks, the Chairman thanked:
- the three past Chairs, Alex Wong, Toh Chen Han and Darren Benger, who are retiring from the Council;
- the outgoing Council for the time and effort that they have put in;
- to the outstanding Secretariat team led by June at Intellitrain; and
- to members of the Society and the wider construction industry, in Singapore and overseas, for the tremendous goodwill and support that the Council continues to have with which has given the Council that meaning and purpose in serving the Society and with that, seeking to achieve its objectives.
The outgoing Chairman added that in his new role he looks forward to working with the new Council team led by Moon to fulfil the objects of the Society.
Before he closed the meeting, Chau Ee invited Moon to deliver her first remarks as the new Chairwoman of the Society. Moon thanked the outgoing Council for their contributions and specifically Chau Ee for his leadership and the initiatives he launched. She looked forward to building on the solid foundation built by the past Chairs and continuing to build on the important events, publications and strategic relationships that have been established.
Click HERE to view the AGM photos.
Contributed by:
Chris Rudland – Director, FTI Consulting