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Dispute Resolution in the Energy Sector (19 October 2007)
Hits : 86

Since the cost of litigation and arbitration has become prohibitive, parties have moved towards sophisticated strategies for resolving their disputes in the most cost effective manner. The starting point is at the time of contract drafting. Agreements should include a multi-layered disputes clause that uses a variety of techniques, including negotiation, mediation, adjudication, expert determination and dispute boards, besides arbitration as an ultimate fallback. Each of these, in various combinations, can offer a route out of the dispute. Dr. Robert Gaitskell, Q.C. of Keating Chambers, Chartered Engineer and formerly engaged in oil rig and power station design, surveys the spectrum of energy disputes facing parties and suggests how to plan ahead to avoid wasting costs and alienating trading partners.

Issues covered include:
1. Introduction - The Energy Sector
2. Avoiding Disputes
3. Disputes - Strategies Available
4. Arbitration
5. Mediation
6. Adjudication
7. Dispute Boards
8. Expert Determination

The talk will conclude with a discussion on FIDIC contracts by Simon Hughes.

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Location Supreme Court Viewing Gallery, Level 8, Supreme Court Buildingx`