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Interactive Time Management using 4D Visual Modeling, A Methodology For Visual Programming
Hits : 4285
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 31273797 (VOIP no., no 6 prefix required)

The ability to clearly communicate time phased simulation illustrating the planned sequence of work, and graphically depicting the proposed and actual evolution of the project has always been a challenge for non engineering people. The
technique of the simulation of specific planned building methodologies, with phasing & site access, to all parties during arbitration, mediation and negotiations can be significantly improved. This is particularly valuable when analysing and providing expert advice is fundamental in understanding the merits, validity and impact of Delays on construction projects.  

The commercial availability of appropriate “off-the-shelf” software to actively integrate programmes and schedules with 3D CAD software creates a useful tool that went beyond the limitations of power point, thus proving a significant improvement  in communication.

Brian will discuss and illustrate this 4 D Modeling system that technical engineering and construction experts have at their disposal in dealing with not just Delay analysis but also in presenting proposed construction methodology when submitting tenders for projects which allows parties to undertake scenario testing to determine the impact of changed construction methodologies on the project programme; Delivering significant time & cost savings for construction projects.

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Location FTSE Room, Level 9, Capital Tower