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Challenges with Infrastructure Projects in India (with perspective on the Singapore experience)
Hits : 1678
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Ramesh Vaidyanathan, a practicing lawyer (having spent four years in-house with GVK Group, a diversified business entity with a focus on Infrastructure and Urban Infrastructure projects) will share some of the unique business and legal challenges faced by the construction and infrastructure industry in India (the world’s seventh largest country by area and second biggest by population). With investment of over US$ 500 billion envisaged in the Indian infrastructure sector (more particularly in the power, water, road, rail, and air transport, and telecommunications) in the next few years, Ramesh will also speak about the
mechanism of the construction development including PPPs being promoted by the Government of India; the unique and complex set of opportunities and challenges to the international construction and O&M companies; and the modernisation and development of the Mumbai International Airport undertaken by the GVK Group.

In the discussion following the talk, Stephen Choo, Senior General Manager, Projects (International) with Keppel Land International Limited will provide a Singaporean take on managing projects in India, including the differing construction process, group/category of contractors and the skills of construction professionals.

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Location STI Auditorium, Level 9, Capital Tower