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INAUGURAL SCL (SINGAPORE) DEBATE: Construction contracts in Singapore are inherently biased towards employers
Hits : 499
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 31273797 (VOIP no., no 6 prefix required)

This debate aims to provide the audience with well-reasoned well-researched treatment of both sides of the motion, while maintaining a light-hearted approach to the debate.

The goal is to approach a potentially contentious topic in the spirit of good fun, while offering up sound ideas and discussion points for the audience’s consideration.

Debating the motion will be representatives from various sectors from the construction industry, including contractors, consultants, employers representatives and lawyers.

Audience will select the winning team based on loudness of applause, as judged by the Moderator.


5.00-5.30pm Registrations & Networking for Delegates.
5.30-5.35pm Opening Remarks by Debate Moderator.
6.30pm The talk will be followed by the SCL (Singapore) Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2011.
SCL (Singapore) Members in the audience are invited to stay on for the AGM.











To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM (click to download) or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 17 August 2011.

Location STI Auditorium, Level 9, Capital Tower, 168 Robinson Road