Events Calendar
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In construction contracts the building is designed by the Architect and other professionals and then erected by the Contractor. This seminar will consider the legal effects of this division. Issues to be discussed include:
1. What exactly is design?
2. Can the contractor be liable for design even when the building is designed by an Architect chosen by employer?
3. How does this division work in design and build contracts?
4. Novation of services of Architects from employer to contractor.
Seminar Programme:
5.00 - 5.30pm | Registrations & Networking for Delegates |
5.30 - 5.45pm | Opening Remarks by Seminar Chairman Mr. Johnny Tan – Principal Partner, LT & T Architects |
5.45 - 6.45pm | Liability for Design Professor Furmston Michael - Dean, Singapore Management University, School of Law |
6.45 - 7.15pm | Q&A Session |
To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 8 March 2012!
Location MND Auditorium, 5 Maxwell Road, Annexe A, Ministry of National Development Complex