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Taming The Unruly Beast - Techniques For Managing Complex Construction Disputes
Hits : 508
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At this joint seminar by SCL (Singapore) and a visiting Bar Council delegation of barristers from the UK, construction barristers Roger ter Haar QC, Jeremy Nicholson QC, Andrew Noble and Adrian Hughes QC(Chairman of the UK SCL 2010/2011) will review some of the solutions being adopted by courts andtribunals to tackle difficulties inherent in complex document heavy construction disputes.

Pre-action procedures, control of scope through issues and pleadings, management of disclosure including the complexities of e-disclosure and changing approaches to expert evidence will be some of the aspects considered by the speakers with a view to stimulating an exchange of ideas and experience as to ways in which common problems are currently being addressed in both Singapore and the UK.

Seminar Programme:

5.00 - 5.30pm Registrations & Networking for Delegates
5.30 - 5.40pm Opening Remarks by Seminar Chairman
Mr. Paul Sandosham FCIArb, FSIArb – Chair, Professional Development Committee; Partner, WongPartnership LLP
5.40 - 6.45pm Taming the Unruly Beast - Techniques for Managing Complex Construction Disputes
- Mr. Adrian Hughes QC
- Mr. Jeremy Nicholson QC
- Mr. Andrew Noble
- Mr. Roger ter Haar QC
6.45 - 7.00pm Q&A Session

To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 19 March 2012!


Location Maxwell Chambers, 32 Maxwell Road, Level 3, Singapore 069115