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Updates & Developments in Construction Law 2013
Hits : 1006
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Following on from the highly successful construction law updates seminar in January 2012, SCL (Singapore) is pleased to present its must-attend annual overview of key legal issues affecting the construction law industry in Singapore this past year.

Our distinguished speakers, Mr. Edwin Lee and Mr. Raymond Chan, will discuss the latest cases on adjudication and construction which had landed in the courts in the year 2012.

Adjudication Cases in Year 2012
Edwin will review the recent Court of Appeal decision on adjudications, in Lee Wee Lick Terence v Chua Say Eng [2012] SGCA 63, and its implications in relation to:
(a)    The proper approach to jurisdictional issues;
(b)    Challenges to the validity of payment claims and adjudication applications;
(c)    Principles relating to repeat claims;
(d)    Limitation periods for making payment claims; and
(e)    The roles of the adjudicator and the courts when dealing with adjudication applications.

He will also discuss the subsequent High Court judgment on adjudications, in RN Associates Pte Ltd v TPX Builders Pte Ltd [2012] SGHC 225

Construction Cases in Year 2012
Raymond will discuss the current judicial approach of the Court of Appeal in  the case of BS Mount Sophia Pte Ltd V Join Aim Pte Ltd  [2012] SGCA 28 in the grant of  injunctions restraining  the call on  On-Demand performance bonds.  The recent decision of the High Court in Store+Deliver+Logistics Pte Ltd V Chin Siew Gim (trading as SG Chin And Associates) [2012] SGHC 80 where an Architect was held to the Employer for breach of his duty in failing to supervise the construction works, defects in his design, wrong choice of building materials and his liability for late completion will also be examined. The talk will also examine the decision of the Court of Appeal in Tan Juay Pah v Kimly Construction Pte Ltd and Others [2012] SGCA 17 on whether a Professional Engineer engaged by a Sub Contractor who is in breach of his statutory duty is liable to indemnify the Sub Contractor for loss and damage claimed by a  third party.

Seminar Programme:

5.00-5.30pm Registrations & Networking for Delegates
5.30-5.45pm Opening Remarks by Seminar Chairman:
Mr. Christopher Nunns – Immediate Past Chairman, SCL (Singapore); Managing Director, FTI Consulting (Singapore)
5.45-7.00pm Adjudication Cases in Year 2012:
  • Mr. Edwin Lee – Partner, Eldan Law LLP
Construction Cases in Year 2012:
  • Mr. Raymond Chan – Partner, Chan Neo LLP
7.00-7.30pm Q&A Session

SCL (Singapore) is accredited by the SILE for its Continuing Professional Development Scheme for CPD Year 2012. For more information, including details of the Attendance Policy, please visit:

To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 16 January 2013!


Location Room 701, Level 7, NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard