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SCL(S) Annual Conference 2013
Hits : 758
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Now into its 8th year, the SCL(S) Annual Construction Law Conference is the must-attend event for every professional involved in the construction industry. The conference continues with its focus on hot topics affecting the construction industry, both locally and internationally. Top legal practitioners, academics and industry specialists will discuss legal, technical and practical issues impacting the construction industry as well as analysing the development of construction law in specific areas.

Topics to be covered include:

  1. The Foreign Manpower Policy (and the Cooling Measures) – How it Affects the Construction Industry
  2. Implied Obligations in Construction Contracts
  3. Restraining Calls on Performance Bonds: A Singapore and UK Perspective
  4. The Rise of the Machine – BIM and its Legal Implications
  5. Alliance Concrete v Sato Kogyo – the Latest Judicial Pronouncement on Frustration and Force Majeure in Construction Contracts
  6. International Updates in Construction Law
  7. Abuse of Process In Adjudication

The Conference will conclude with networking cocktails, where all attendees are welcome to join the speakers and fellow delegates for drinks.

Limited places available. Please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 4 September 2013!



Location Level 10, M Hotel, 81 Anson Road, Singapore 079908