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Termination – The Pitfalls
Hits : 4421
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Termination of a contract is rarely straightforward and is usually a decision of last resort. Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC will review the issues employers and contractors need to consider when contemplating termination. 
Her talk will cover the circumstances when termination is possible, what the risks are for the party terminating, and possible losses and continuing liabilities associated with termination. She will also discuss the pros and cons of contractual termination versus accepting a repudiatory breach, the formalities of contractual termination, the need for strict observance and the extent to which tribunals are prepared to accept defective notices.

Limited places are available. Please register now to avoid disappointment!


Register below or download the REGISTRATION FORM to register today. 

Location Intellioffices, Level 11, 146 Robinson Road, Singapore 068909
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