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Understanding the Construction Contract in a Project Financing (27 February 2018)
Hits : 18983
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About this Seminar:

Project financing is and will continue to play a substantial role in the financing and implementation of energy and infrastructure projects across the region. This talk will address some of the basics of project financing and how a construction contract fits into a wider project financing structure including approaches to risk allocation, security and the interaction with other project parties.

  • Seminar Programme:

    5.00 - 5.30pm

    Registrations & Networking for Delegates

    5.30 - 5.45pm

    Opening Remarks by Chairperson:

    Mr. Darren Benger – Immediate Past Chairman, Society of Construction Law (Singapore); Director, VivATA Architects Pte Ltd

    5.45 - 7.00pm

    Understanding the Construction Contract in a Project Financing

    Mr. Alex Wong – Chairman, Society of Construction Law (Singapore); Partner, Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee, Singapore

    7.00 - 7.15pm

    Q&A Session

    About the Speaker: 

  • Mr. Alex Wong – Chairman, Society of Construction Law (Singapore); Partner, Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee, Singapore

  • Alex is a Partner in Hogan Lovells Singapore office and a member of the Infrastructure, Energy, Resources and Projects practice. Respected by clients and recognized as a leading lawyer by independent industry publications such as Asia Pacific Legal 500 and IFLR1000, Alex has more than 18 years of experience advising on construction, infrastructure, energy and natural resources, PPP and government procurement projects in Singapore and across Asia. Alex speaks and writes regularly on a wide variety of infrastructure law related topics, including a chapter to a book endorsed by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore titled “Water Governance – An Evaluation of Alternative Architectures”.

  • Alex is the Chairman of the Society of Construction Law in Singapore. He is admitted to practice in Singapore and England and Wales.

  • About the Chairperson:

    Mr. Darren Benger – Immediate Past Chairman, Society of Construction Law (Singapore); Director, VivATA Pte Ltd

    Darren received his Bachelor of Architecture degree with First Class Honours from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1995, and registered with the Board of Architects, Singapore in 2001. Darren received the Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration (GCIA) from the National University of Singapore in 2008. Since 1996 Darren has resided in Singapore, and he is currently a Director of VivATA Architects Pte Ltd. Darren is the Immediate Past Chairman of the Society of Construction Law (Singapore).

  • Darren is also a Fellow member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Darren's involvement in the Singapore Institute of Architects includes election to Council for the 2007/08 to 2013/14 terms, and he has actively participated in various SIA committees, including involvement in the Building Contracts Committee since 2007/08, and the ADR Committee since 2008/09 (as chairperson since 2012/13). Darren is also on the SIA Panel of Expert Determinators. Darren has contributed as lecturer/tutor to the building contracts module of the Architectural Practice course for the National University of Singapore - School of Architecture since 2009. Darren has served as an expert witness in various Court cases and arbitrations, including one of the first experts 'Hot Tubbing' cases in the SGHC.

    Registration Fee:


    FEES (includes refreshments & materials, if any)

    SCL (Singapore) Members


    Guests of SCL(S) Members, Members of international SCLs,
    Members of:
    Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) Ltd (CIArb), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Lighthouse Club (Singapore) (Lighthouse), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb), Singapore Institute of Building Ltd (SIBL), Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV), Society of Project Managers (SPM), Tunneling and Underground Construction Society (Singapore) (TUCSS), Full Time Students & Faculty of NUS Faculty of Law,
    Marine Offshore Oil & Gas Association (MOOGAS)




    To download the brochure, please click HERE.



Location 55 Market Street, #03-01, S 048941
"SCL (Singapore) is an Accredited Institution under the SILE CPD scheme."
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