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Cost and Time Blowouts (and Major Disputes) on Large Construction Projects (03 July 2019)
Hits : 4473
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About this Seminar:
This seminar will discuss cost and time blowouts (and major disputes) on large construction projects and the mistakes that continue to be repeated and why lessons are not learned, including:
• Statistics on the prevalence and impact of time and cost blowouts on large construction projects
• Common (recurring) major causes and reasons for cost and time blowouts and major disputes from the cradle (project conception) to the grave (final resolution). For example: 
· Poor project / scope definition at FID, contract execution and mobilisation.
· Poor project delivery (contract) choice e.g. turnkey EPC v EPCM, partnering etc.
· Allocation of risk according to might and market forces c.f. Abrahamson principles.
· Poor project records and a culture of not following the contract by contractors and owners alike e.g. notices and time bars + waiver/estoppel.
· Adversarial, inflexible, untimely dispute resolution processes cf Dispute Avoidance Boards etc.

Seminar Programme:

5.00 - 5.30pm

Registrations & Networking for Delegates

5.30 - 5.45pm

Opening Remarks by Chairperson:

Mr. Kelvin Teo – Counsel, Clifford Chance Asia/ Cavenagh Law LLP; Council Member, Society of Construction Law (Singapore)

5.45 - 7.00pm

Cost and Time Blowouts (and Major Disputes) on Large Construction Projects

Mr. Simon Bellas – Partner, Jones Day
Mr. John Cooper - Partner-in-Charge Brisbane, Jones Day

7.00 - 7.15pm

Q&A Session


About the Speaker:

Mr. Simon Bellas – Partner, Jones Day
Simon Bellas is an international disputes authority whose practice is focused on large-scale construction projects, in particular, in the energy and resources and infrastructure sectors. He has particular experience in working with overseas, EPC contractors.
Simon is a highly ranked arbitration and construction lawyer and has managed some of the largest international arbitrations and litigation in the Asia-Pacific region.
In addition to large-scale transnational disputes, Simon is regularly engaged during project execution as “project counsel” with a mandate of avoiding and minimising claims and disputes. With more than 15 years experience in LNG and mining, Simon is a leading industry professional and has an in-depth working knowledge of many of the technical engineering and commercial issues that underpin projects and the claims that commonly arise from them.
Mr. John Cooper - Partner-in-Charge Brisbane, Jones Day
John Cooper has worked on many of Australia's largest projects in the transport, energy and resources, defence, and social infrastructure sectors. He has represented owners, major contractors, and consultants in complex disputes on major procurement projects in Australia and overseas.
John has been the lead lawyer on teams that acted on the operation and maintenance agreement for the regional rail network in New South Wales, the program alliance for RailCorp's signaling work, the successful Transcity JV bid for Legacy Way, the Gateway Upgrade Project, major defence acquisition and sustainment contracts, and mine infrastructure and contract mining agreements for iron ore mines in South Australia, coal mines in NSW and Queensland, and many other mining projects in Australia and overseas.
John has acted in major Supreme Court actions in relation to defects in the pavements at Port Botany and the Port of Brisbane and is currently representing major international contractors on disputes in connection with a number of the recently completed gas projects in Queensland. He also has represented clients in arbitrations, expert determinations, and statutory adjudications.
John is a member of the Construction and Infrastructure Law Committee of the Business Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, a member of the Resolution Institute, and a member of the Centre for Professional Legal Education Advisory Board. He also has held leadership roles with many other organizations, including the Professional Engineers Disciplinary Panel of Queensland. He has delivered many papers on dispute resolution, construction, procurement, and contract law topics.

About the Chairperson:

Mr. Kelvin Teo – Counsel, Clifford Chance Asia/ Cavenagh Law LLP; Council Member, Society of Construction Law (Singapore)
Kelvin is proficient at making complicated technical, delay and quantum issues, easy to understand. He regularly advises major players in the infrastructure, energy and resources sphere.
His sector experience covers projects from nuclear power plants and renewables including wind, hydropower and geothermal; to refineries, mines, railways, and even giant ferris wheels.
Kelvin's practice covers the entire spectrum of dispute resolution mechanisms including arbitration and litigation. He has acted for parties and projects in Korea, China, Middle East, Mongolia, Italy, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, US and Singapore.
He is a Council Member of the Society of Construction Law (Singapore), and speaks and publishes articles regularly on construction law issues.

 Registration Fee:



FEES (includes refreshments & materials, if any)

SCL (Singapore) Members


Guests of SCL(S) Members, Members of international SCLs,
Members of:
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) Ltd (CIArb), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Lighthouse Club (Singapore) (Lighthouse), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb), Singapore Institute of Building Ltd (SIBL), Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV), Society of Project Managers (SPM), Tunneling and Underground Construction Society (Singapore) (TUCSS), Full Time Students & Faculty of NUS Faculty of Law,
Marine Offshore Oil & Gas Association (MOOGAS)





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Location Room 903, Level 9 NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989
"SCL (Singapore) is an Accredited Institution under the SILE CPD scheme."
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Registrations are now closed