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Practical Applications and Legal Implications of Drone Technology in Construction Projects (20 November 2019)
Hits : 4964
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About this Seminar:
At this seminar, our speakers will:
  1.  discuss the potential uses and benefits of drones and how high-quality data can generate actionable insights through innovations in road inspections, façade inspections, site monitoring and reclamation vessel volumetric analysis; and
  2.  provide an overview of the laws and regulations involved in the use of drone technology in construction projects. The issues covered will include the permits required for drone operation and the type of conduct regulated.

Seminar Programme:

5.00 - 5.30pm

Registrations & Networking for Delegates

5.30 - 5.45pm

Opening Remarks by Chairperson:

Mr Darren Benger – Director, VivATA Pte Ltd; Council Member, Society of Construction Law (Singapore)

5.45 - 7.00pm

Practical Applications and Legal Implications of Drone Technology in Construction Projects

Mr Tim Risbridger – Head of Singapore, Arcadis
Ms Danna Er – Partner, Eldan Law LLP

7.00 - 7.15pm

Q&A Session


About the Speaker:

Mr Tim Risbridger - Head of Singapore, Arcadis
Tim Risbridger is Arcadis Singapore’s Country Head and is an Arcadis Asia Leadership Team member. He has worked in Arcadis for more than 15 years, initially in the UK, followed by a nine year stint in the Middle East. He returned to Singapore in 2016.
During his 30 year career, Tim has been at the forefront of implementing new ways of working and the adoption of new technologies in the construction industry. Like many organisations, Arcadis is in the process of going through digital transformation and Tim is part of the team who is driving this initiative in Asia.
Most recently, Arcadis work in drones and data optimisation achieved the Innovation Award at the RICS Awards 2019 Southeast Asia.
Ms Danna Er – Partner, Eldan Law LLP
Danna is admitted to practise law in New York and Singapore and specialises in disputes prevention and dispute resolution, with a particular emphasis on international and domestic commercial and construction disputes. She was recognised by Singapore Business Review 2018 as one of the 20 most influential lawyers under the age of 40 and was awarded the Lawyer Monthly Women in Law Award 2018 for her outstanding legal expertise and contributions in the practice area of Dispute Resolution. Prior to joining Eldan Law as a Partner, Danna practised in the projects and construction and international arbitration practices of two international law firms.
Danna has represented clients in high value, complex international arbitrations under major institutional rules (SIAC, ICC, LCIA, ICDR etc) and ad hoc proceedings, court proceedings, mediations and adjudications under the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act. Her non-contentious work experience includes drafting, reviewing and advising on contract documentation for large-scale infrastructure projects and arbitration agreements for international transactions to eliminate disputes risks for clients.

About the Chairperson:

Mr Darren Benger – Director, VivATA Pte Ltd; Council Member, Society of Construction Law (Singapore)
Darren received his Bachelor of Architecture degree with First Class Honours from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1995, and registered with the Board of Architects, Singapore in 2001. Darren received the Graduate Certificate in International Arbitration (GCIA) from the National University of Singapore in 2008. Since 1996, Darren has resided in Singapore, and he is currently a Director of the architectural practice VivATA Pte Ltd.
Darren is a Past Chairman of the Society of Construction Law (Singapore).
Darren is also a Fellow member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Darren's involvement in the Singapore Institute of Architects includes election to Council for the 2007/08 to the current terms, and he has actively participated in various SIA committees, including involvement in the Building Contracts Committee since 2007/08, and the ADR Committee since 2008/09 (as chairperson since 2012/13). Darren is also on the SIA Panel of Expert Determinators and SIA Panel of Arbitrators. Darren has contributed as lecturer/tutor to the building contracts module of the Architectural Practice course for the National University of Singapore - School of Architecture since 2009. Darren has served as an expert witness in various Court cases and arbitrations, including one of the first experts 'Hot Tubbing' cases in the SGHC.

 Registration Fee:



FEES (includes refreshments & materials, if any)

SCL (Singapore) Members


Guests of SCL(S) Members, Members of international SCLs,
Members of:
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Singapore) Ltd (CIArb), Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Lighthouse Club (Singapore) (Lighthouse), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA), Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb), Singapore Institute of Building Ltd (SIBL), Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV), Society of Project Managers (SPM), Tunneling and Underground Construction Society (Singapore) (TUCSS), Full Time Students & Faculty of NUS Faculty of Law,
Marine Offshore Oil & Gas Association (MOOGAS)





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Location Room 903, Level 9 NTUC Centre, One Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989
"SCL (Singapore) is an Accredited Institution under the SILE CPD scheme."
For more information on Attendance Policy, please visit
Registrations are now closed