
Since late January4, there have been concerns over whether the Indonesian export ban ongranite would lead to delays in projects. However with the availability of several other sources for granite in the region, as well as improved productivity in building methods, any disruption in supply from Indonesia would have a limited impact on the industry. Infrastructure and housing needs. The public needs for infrastructure and housing was a key consideration in the recent announcement that the Government is to reacquire land from clubs currently using such land as golf courses.


The recent SCL(S) Annual Case Law update held on 15th January and the section in this newsletter on updates to Singapore Construction Law reflect several important aspects of Construction Law6. This includes validity of payment claims under the Security of Payment Act and therefore Adjudications; novation, termination, quantum meruit, and consultation periods; reasonable rate of remuneration implied in contracts with evidence to be adduced by party raising the claim; and apportionment of liability in relation to safety and negligence. Clearly, there remains a constant need for education on several aspects of Construction Law and dispute resolution.



It seems critical that SCL(S) continues to make major contributions towards the industry and should therefore remain in the forefront of these developments here in Singapore. As the calendar for 2014 shows, the Professional Development committee of the Council has been working hard at putting out the 2014 programme that factors several of the matters I have highlighted above; a couple of matters initially canvassed at the start of the current 2012-2014 Councils term; and at least one programme into the new 2014-2016 council’s term (that should commence in August).


The current Council is into the last quarter of its two-year term, and has worked hard and I am sure will continue to do so, despite their otherwork commitments. I thank each of them and look forward to completing most of what we have set out to achieve.


Without going into any form of a ‘wish list’ for Budget 2014 (set to be presented later thisweek), it would be great if there are initiatives and incentives announced to further address and/or refine the labour, productivity and sustainability aspects of the Construction industry.In any event, I believe and have faith that SCL(S) is well placed to consider important issues that it can promote and do so working closely with all of its collaboration/memorandum of understanding partners.

Thank You,

Anil Changaroth


1 10Jan 2014, page 50, Today
2 10 Jan 2014, page B27, Straits Times
3 15 Jan 2014, page A2, Straits Times
4 31 Jan 2014, page A6, Straits Times
5 17 Feb 2014, page 1, Today
6 SCL(s)’s Objective being to
promote the education, study in the field of construction law and related subjects both in
Singapore and overseas for the benefit of the public and Construction Industry, paragraph 3.1 of Construction.