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Chairman’s Message - February 2022
Dear fellow SCL(S) members
A warm welcome to the first edition of our 2022 SCL(S) newsletter.
We kicked off this calendar year with our Annual Construction Law Update 2022 on 27 January – we hope those who attended enjoyed it.
As many of you will now know, we are celebrating our 20th Anniversary this year and as ever, thank you so much for your continued support through the years!
The Anniversary Theme and Logo illustrates our continued commitment to sustainability in the construction industry and how it can play a pivotal role in meeting the challenges of COVID recovery and beyond. To celebrate such a historic year, we are planning a series of celebratory events during the course of 2022 including our 20th anniversary membership drive and sponsorship opportunities, details of which are published on the SCL(S) website. In early August, we are planning a virtual Strategic Leadership Dialogue, which event allows all our past Chairs to nostalgically look at each of their two years as Chairs, and the events that impacted them the most during that time and how those events have impacted you and the industry since or may continue to impact you and the industry going forward. Attendance is complimentary for SCL(S) members. Our Annual General Meeting follows thereafter, where a ground-breaking new Business Membership Scheme will be tabled. In October, we will convene our full-day 3rd "Focus on Asia" hybrid Conference with its central theme being sustainability, followed by our 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner.
Our "SCL(S) Environmental Law and Sustainability Focus Group” was set in late 2021 further to discussions with Ms Indranee Rajah (as Second Minister for National Development) to undertake education, study and research in respect of environmental sustainability in the context of construction law, with the aim to publish the useful results of such study and research (through seminars, conference presentations, newsletter articles and the like) for the benefit of the public and the construction industry.
Our Construction Law 101 is now in its 12th year and this year it kicks off on 15 February – see details HERE.
As quite a number of you would have noticed in the past year and a half, we have made a real push towards making ourselves seen and heard via social media, specifically LinkedIn. Our new LinkedIn account has been around for a while now and we have an ever-increasing number of followers. For those of you who have yet to make the switch from the old to the new account, please do so and follow us.
We have been working hard to bring you a suite of illuminating webinars throughout 2022 and you will hear more real soon.
I wish you all the very best for 2022 and I look forward to seeing you (virtually or otherwise as we may be allowed) at our next event!
Best wishes
Lee Chau Ee
Chairman, SCL (Singapore)