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Lighthouse Club (Singapore) - Society of Construction Law (Singapore) Joint Virtual Trivia Night (17 June 2021) by Jim Chessell
The Lighthouse Club Singapore partnered with the Society of Construction Law (Singapore) to run a successful Virtual Quiz Night in June under the masterful guidance of quizmaster Sid Bhalla. The rounds included “Music featuring Famous Dance Scenes” where teams had to name the movie, “Science”, “Geography”, “Celebrity Mug Shots” and another music round featuring hits where the teams had to name the song and artist!
All teams were found to be well versed in the music rounds, with all scoring in the high ranges! Team “SCL(S)” were found to be the team that watches FBI’s Most Wanted as they were the only team to correctly answer Jeremy Meeks as the ‘Hot Felon’ from 2014. Other stabs at the answers included “hot guy”, “World’s hottest convict” and “blue-eyed bandit” [pic below]!
Team “Monopoly Cheater” were also the only team to recognise an actual mugshot of Cher at age 13 when she was arrested for 'borrowing' her mother’s car [pic below]!
Team “Tristan” rightly played their double bonus points for the Geography round, getting the most correct answers. However, none of the teams were able to answer the elusive How many offshore islands are there in Singapore question (the answer is 64 for any quiz buffs who want to challenge it!). Team “Maybe Next Time if we're Lucky” did get lucky playing their bonus card for the Geography Round too but not so lucky in the “Famous Dance Scene” round where what was shown as a clip from "Hail Cesar” became “Hail Magic Mike”!
Finally, to wrap it up, the best answer of the night had to be from team "Liverpools” when asked what word is used to describe 'Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation' (Hint: see first initials…), and the team submitted “X-Ray” as their answer!
The winning team on the night were the “Monopoly Cheaters” with Paul Deasy, Geeta Sauba, Jacco Poland and John Murphy followed in a close second place by “SCL Assassins” (our co-hosts) made up of Chau Ee Lee, Darren Benger, Trevor Lam and Adi Karkera. Teams “Tristan”, “Maybe Next Time if we're Lucky” and “Liverpools” were all in close succession and everyone had a very enjoyable night.
About the Lighthouse Club
Established in the UK in 1956 and in Singapore in 2000, the Lighthouse Club now has branches worldwide – in Asia Pacific there are branches in Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.
The Lighthouse Club aims to promote fellowship and co-operation amongst all members as well as to develop a Benevolent Fund that provides financial assistance to victims of construction industry-related accidents or illness and to victims’ dependents where a fatal accident has occurred. All donations and proceeds from their events go towards their beneficiaries, many of whom require urgent life-saving medical procedures.