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The Use of Advanced Forensic Animations in the Resolution of Complex Disruption Claims (29 November 2007)
Hits : 95

The use of electronically produced evidence is a relatively new development in dispute resolution. Little case law is available to support its admissibility, but recent US developments and the Bloody Sunday enquiry in the UK have helped to provide a background into how and when electronically produced exhibits may be admitted as evidence.

The aim of using advanced computer animation is to help in the interpretation, communication and understanding of complex factual scenarios. The animations can be compiled into auto-run or interactive stand alone presentations, integrated into powerpoint presentations and high-resolution still images can also be exported to enhance the visual
contents of reports.

This paper, which was first given at the inaugural meeting of the 4-Counties branch of the SCL in England, in March 2007, will explore what can be achieved by the use of 3D and 4D animations in the proof of causation in complex delay and disruption scenarios. 

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Location Mediation Chambers, Level 2, Supreme Court Building (1 Supreme Court Lane)