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The Application of Force Majeure & Frustration in Construction Contracts
Hits : 1212
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In a landmark decision, the Singapore Court of Appeal in Holcim (Singapore) Pte Ltd v Precise Development Pte Ltd [2011] SGCA 1 overturned the decision of the High Court and clarified the law with respect to the interpretation of force majeure clauses in contracts. The dispute arose out of the “sand ban” that had a major impact on the construction industry in Singapore. A classic force majeure clause would only be triggered on the occurrence of an event that rendered performance of a contractual obligation impossible. However, the Court of Appeal held that force majeure clauses could be worded so as to relieve a party of its contractual obligation where its performance was commercially impractical.

This talk will examine the ramifications of the Court of Appeal’s decision on the doctrine of force majeure and its interplay with its sister doctrine of frustration.


Registrations & Networking for Delegates

Opening Remarks by Seminar Chairman,
Mr. Paul Sandosham FCIArb, FSIArb – Partner, WongPartnership LLP

The Application of Force Majeure & Frustration in Construction Contracts
Mr. Francis Xavier SC - Head, Dispute Practices, Rajah & Tann LLP

Q&A Session

To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FORM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 8 November 2011!


Location STI Auditorium, Level 9, Capital Tower, 168 Robinson Road