Events Calendar
SCLHK One Day International Conference 2011 - Risk Allocation in Construction Contracts: A Legal and Technical Perspective
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The Conference
The overall theme of the One Day Conference is risk allocation in construction contracts. The conference will focus on 4 key areas of risk namely Time, Changes, Price and Risk Allocation generally.
Keynote Speaker
The Hon Mr Justice Akenhead, Judge in charge of the Technology and Construction Court of England and Wales has been a specialist in construction law since 1973 and is the current Consulting Editor of Building Law Reports.
Keynote Speaker: The Hon Mr Justice Akenhead
AM Session 1 | TIME
AM Session 2 | CHANGES
Panel Discussion: Morning Speakers |
Lunch | Lunch Included in Registration Fee |
PM Session 1 | PRICE
Panel Discussion: Afternoon Speakers |
Synthesis and Analysis: The Hon Mr Justice Akenhead |
Post-Conference Cocktails at Renaissance Hotel (Included in Registration Fee) |
Please click here for more detail and registration form.
Location Renaissance Harbour View Hotel, Wanchai, Hong Kong