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Negligence in the Construction Industry
Hits : 2640
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +65 3127 3797 (no 6 prefix required)

This seminar aims to give a brief description of the law of negligence in this area (i.e. affecting the construction industry) as well as an outline of the main issues arising from there, such as the question of apportionment of liability of between a main contractor and its subcontractors.  Topics to be covered include the following:

  1. Highlighting two historical cases of precedent leading to the CA case of Jurong Primewide PL vs Moh Seng Cranes PL.
  2. The facts of Jurong Primewide PL vs Moh Seng Cranes PL, what the CA decided in that case, and why, particularly how did the CA rule vis-à-vis legal responsibility for worksite safety, the relationship between the statutory framework and common law duties and the applicable standard of care?
  3. A critique on the CA decision in Jurong Primewide PL vs Moh Seng Cranes PL and highlight its legal and/or practical implications, including from the insurers’ perspective.
  4. A discussion on whether there are still any unresolved issues in the CA case of Jurong Primewide PL vs Moh Seng Cranes PL? Where do we go from here?

To secure your place, please download, complete and send us the REGISTRATION FROM [click to download] or you may REGISTER ONLINE by 14 May 2014.

Location Auditorium, Intellioffices, Level 3, 146 Robinson Road
SCL (Singapore) is accredited by the SILE for its Continuing Professional Development Scheme for CPD Year 2014. For more information, including details of the Attendance Policy, please visit: