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Annual Construction Law Update 2015
Hits : 5608
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Since the Inaugural Annual Construction Law Updates seminar in January 2011, SCL (Singapore) has organised an annual update which have been well-received as a key landmark in each year's construction law-related training calendar.  SCL (Singapore) is pleased to present its must-attend annual overview of key legal issues affecting the construction law industry in Singapore this past year

Our distinguished speakers, Mr. Chow Kok Fong and Mr. Ho Chien Mien, will discuss updates on cases relating to the Securities of Payment Act and recent building & construction cases.

Seminar Programme:- 


Registrations & Networking for Delegates


Opening Remarks by Chairman:

Mr. Kash Quddus – Council Member, Society of Construction Law; In-House Counsel, Black & Veatch


Updates on Cases Relating to the Security of Payment Act

The presentation reviews the developments on the subject in 2014 arising from the landmark decisions delivered in 2013 and 2014 and the response of the industry to these developments.  It examines, in particular, the impact arising from this development on the operation of section 15(3) and the anti-avoidance provisions of the Act.  The specific topics are as follows:

a.     Basic Features

b.     Section 15(3) - The Dust has Settled

c.     Impact on the Respondent

d.     Contracting Out Provisions

e.     Recent SOP Cases

f.      Other Happenings.

Mr. Chow Kok Fong - Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Mediator

Developments in Construction Law (2014)

This session will address some of the latest case developments in Singapore construction law including the cases of H P Construction & Engineering Pte Ltd v Chin Ivan [2014] SGHC 137, Poh Cheng Chew v K P Koh & Partners Pte Ltd and another [2014] SGHC 20, Tech-System Design & Contract (S) Pte Ltd v WYWY Investments Pte Ltd [2014] SGHC 57, and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBK v CRW Joint Operation (Indonesia) and another matter [2014] SGHC 146.

Mr. Ho Chien Mien – Partner, Allen & Gledhill LLP


Q&A Session

To register for any event, you may download, complete and send us the relevant registration form or register online.

Location 1 Marina Boulevard, NTUC Centre, Level 8 Room T801, Singapore 018989