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Annual Construction Law Update 2016
Hits : 11985
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Location :STI Auditorium, Level 9, 168 Robinson Road Capital Tower, Singapore 068912

Date: Wednesday 27 January 2016

Time: 05:00pm - 07:30pm

About the Seminar:

Since the Inaugural Annual Construction Law Updates seminar in January 2011, SCL (Singapore) has organised an annual update which has been well-received as a key landmark in each year's construction law-related training calendar. SCL (Singapore) is pleased to present its must-attend annual overview of key legal issues affecting the construction law industry in Singapore this past year. Our distinguished speakers, Mr. Christopher Chuah and Dr. Philip Chan, will discuss updates on cases relating to the Security of Payment Act and development in Construction Law in Singapore.

 Seminar Programme:


5.00 5.30pm Registrations & Refreshments

Opening Remarks by Chairperson:

 Mr. Alex Wong – Vice Chairman, Society of Construction Law; Partner, Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee


Recent Developments in relation to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (SOP Act)

   Common Problems and Potential Solutions:

- Computation of timelines in relation to service of payment claims and payment responses under the SOP Act;

- Whether prolongation claims can be claimed under the SOP Act;

- Interpretation of ‘adjudicated upon’ and repeat claims;

- What constitutes “pay-when-paid” provisions;

- What are provisions deemed to be in breach of section 36 of the SOP Act - What constitutes failure to   comply with the SOP Act and/or Regulations and consequences

Speaker: Mr. Christopher Chuah, Partner, WongPartnership

Developments in Construction Law (2015) This year three CA cases would be reviewed.

The first case reminds all of us to take precaution in avoiding being liable for our independent contractor’s negligence liability. The second case examines what appears to be the start of a new trend to limit Singapore’s position of granting an injunction against a call of the bond because of unconscionability by way of a contractual clause. The third case warns of the pit falls in the reliance of terms like market and market value/price in the valuation of variation clauses. This would be followed by a review of 6 High Court cases touching on areas like Negligence and WSHA; Termination; Challenges against successful restraining the call of an on-demand bond; Confidentiality of drawings; Scope of indemnity clause; and payment dispute with an overview on the yet-to-be implemented design for safety regulations.

Speaker: Dr. Philip Chan – Associate Professor, National University of Singapore
7.00-7.30pm Q&A Session

Mr. Christopher Chuah, Partner, WongPartnershipAbout the Speakers:-

Christopher Chuah heads the Infrastructure, Construction & Engineering Practice and is a Partner in the China Practice. His main areas ofpractice encompass both front-end drafting/advice and construction disputes, both litigation and arbitration. He is a leading light in the field of building and construction law and has authored various books on this subject. He is one of the General Editors of the Singapore Construction Adjudication Review. Christopher graduated from the London School of Economics. He is admitted to the English Bar and to the Singapore Bar. Apart from a law degree, Christopher has a Diploma in Surveying (Distinction) from the College of Estate Management, Reading, UK. Christopher is a legal advisor to the Singapore Contractors Association Limited, as well as a member of the Committee for International Construction and Building Contracts. He is a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, as well as the Chartered Institute of Building. He has also been appointed to the Singapore International Arbitration Centre’s Main Panel of Arbitrators and is also on the Panel of Arbitrators of the Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration. Christopher is an accredited adjudicator under the Building & Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (Cap 30B) and a member of the Construction Adjudicator AccreditationCommittee, formed by the Singapore Mediation Centre to assist with the training and accreditation of adjudicators

Dr. Philip Chan – Associate Professor, National University of Singapore

Dr Chan experience had included work in the area of the QS and construction lawyer. He is the programme director of the MSc (PM) and Associate Director of the Centre of Project Management and Construction Law. Philip is AIAJ’s Co-Editor and the Editorial Advisory Board member and Correspondent of the International Construction Law Review. He is a practising arbitrator and a Fellow of SIArb. Dr Chan has written twelve books as sole or co-author and had contributed articles to international construction law journals. He has delivered more than 200 conference/seminar papers and conducted numerous in-house training programmes on construction law, arbitration and adjudication.

About the Chairperson:-

Mr. Alex Wong – Vice Chairman, Society of Construction Law; Partner, Hogan Lovells Lee & Lee

Alex is a Partner in Hogan Lovells? Singapore office and a member of the Infrastructure, Energy, Resources and Projects practice. Respected by clients and recognised as a leading lawyer by independent industry publications such as Asia Pacific Legal 500 and IFLR1000, Alex has more than 18 years of experience advising on construction, infrastructure, energy and natural resources, PPP and government procurement projects in Singapore and across Asia. Alex speaks and writes regularly on a wide variety of infrastructure law related topics, including a chapter to a book endorsed by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore titled “Water Governance – An Evaluation of Alternative Architectures”. Alex is the Vice-Chairman of the Society of Construction Law in Singapore. He is also an adjunct professor for law of project finance at Singapore Management University. He is admitted to practice in Singapore and England and Wales.

For more details, click HERE. 




Location STI Auditorium, Level 9, 168 Robinson Road Capital Tower, Singapore 068912
"SCL (Singapore) is an Accredited Institution under the SILE CPD Scheme for CPD Year 2015." For more information, including details of the Attendance Policy, please visit: