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Immediate Past Chairman Message - April 2020
Dear fellow SCL members,
It is almost two years since I stepped down from the role of Chairman of the SCL(S) meaning that my terms as the Immediate Past Chairman of SCL(S) is also close to expiration. I suspect I will soon re-join the ranks of ordinary membership and look forward to contributing to the Society in a different way.
The Society has benefited from a period of strength in recent years; strength in membership and strength in impact. This strength derives from the contribution all of us make towards the objectives of the Society, whether as a leader or participant in our activities. The consistency of our contribution is what breeds sustainability in the Society and sustainability is what sees us through the ups and downs in global fortunes.
Unfortunately, we are now suffering one of those downs with COVID-19 affecting multiple countries and regions. Controls in the movement of persons resulting from preventative measures focussing on limiting the spread of the virus has a particularly acute impact on the construction industry which traditionally mobilises large quantities of labour. This impact permeates through the whole value chain of construction practice and the SCL(S) is a small part of that chain. In collaboration with other elements in society and government, we have taken what I believe are the right steps to suspend and postpone our activities as best we can as part of the allied battle against COVID-19. This will no doubt have an impact on our membership and on our ability to pursue our objectives. I hope we all exercise the patience and tenacity needed to see us through this down time. The Society is looking at new ways to bring our educational objectives to our membership and we hope to have that in place soon – watch this space!
Ultimately, I think we will pull through because we have a determined membership and a sustainable framework on which to draw strength during these difficult times. And, just as determined as we are to bounce back from this current setback, let us also look to continuing our contributions to the Society and to our industry so as to ensure that we maintain that critical sustainability.