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SCL Construction Law Conference 2011 - Construction Productivity: Insights & Opportunities
Session 1:
Productivity in Develop & Construct Form of Contracts - A Reality or Illusion
Speaker: Mr. Seah Hsiu-Min, Eugene – Joint Managing Director, Davis Langdon & Seah Singapore Pte Ltd
Presentation slides on Productivity in Develop & Construct
Form of Contracts –A Reality or Illusion
Session 2:
Managing Authorities’ Submissions to improve Construction Productivity in Singapore
Speaker: Er. Wong Pui Fun, Joanne - Associate Director, Meinhardt infrastructure Pte Ltd.
Presentation slides on Managing Authority’ Submissions to improve Construction Productivity in Singapore.
Session 3:
How Effective Is the Risk Allocation between Parties in Modern Construction Contracts?
Speaker: Ms Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC - Atkin Chambers
Paper on "How Effective Is The Risk Allocation Between Parties In Modern Construction Contracts?"
Abstract of Paper
“Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” General Patton
1. The first question is how effective in achieving what result? You could take one of three different views. One, given the contractual intent as to contractual allocation of risk – how clearly does the contract achieve this result? Or two, how effective is the allocation in risk in achieving the delivery of a project on time and within budget? Three, does the contract give the opportunity for claims? The answer to these three questions may be different. The contract may be clear in identifying the allocation of risk but give rise to claims of considerable ingenuity to reverse the ostensible burden of risk.
Session 4:
Prefabrication – One of the Effective Solutions to Improve Construction Productivity
Speaker: Dr. Cui Wei - Deputy General Manager of International Engineering Department, Shimizu
Session 5A:
Expert Determination – An Additional and Alternative Way To Resolve Technical Construction
Speakers: Mr. Naresh Mahtani – Consultant, ATMD Bird & Bird LLP | Ms. Teresa Ee - Director, Contracts at the Centre for Public Project Management (CP2M),
Ministry of Finance
Presentation slides on SIA Expert Determination Rules by Naresh Mahtani
Presentation slides on Expert Determination
An Additional and Alternative Way to Resolve Technical Construction Disputes by Teresa Ee
Session 5B:
The SOP Act: Underpinning Construction Sector Efficiencies?
Speaker: Mr. Edwin Lee – Partner, Eldan Law LLP
Session 6:
BIM – Increase in Productivity but Risk of Liability increased?
Speaker: Dr. Philip Chan - Associate Professor, Department of Building, School of Design and Environment,
National University of Singapore
Presentation slides on BIM – Increase in Productivity but Risk of Liability increased?
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